Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Message Archangel Michael                                         Leslie-Anne Menzies
21st October 2013                                                    

Dear Ones,

Exciting times, can you not feel the changes abounding on your Planet? Can you feel the Love Vibration radiating out and around you? There is so much happening “behind the scenes” can you feel a sense of it? You are beginning to have an awareness - but you cannot as yet put your finger on it, in your reality. That will change in these next weeks - when the rumblings will become a part of your solid reality and you will know beyond any doubt that all you have ever hoped and dreamed has indeed manifested into your reality.

So much is shaping up into form and you are about to experience such extraordinary changes that will delight and amuse you. Many on Planet Earth have believed - this is all there is, this is as good or bad (depending on your perception) as it gets.

Ah, but Dear Angels of the Earth, you are not alone, never have been, we in the Angelic Realms have told you many times recently that we are close by (closer than you know at this moment) and we are not alone. Your Star Brothers and Sisters are waiting in the “wings” ready to join you and assist you in preparation for the many technological changes that are to make life on Planet Earth truly incredible. No more struggle - that is gone - there is so many new creations being made available to you and your Earth so as to make your lives a reality of Heaven on Earth.

So many of these new creations are being guided by you as the Creator Beings you are. There is so much information and wisdom available to all on the Planet. What is now available to you is really just a reminder of the wisdom you have held for eons. This        re-memberance will flood back into your awareness. In reality - nothing is new. You are just re-membering, including the memory of who you “truly are” as Beings of Light.

This is the Grand Awakening Dear Ones and we are so excited to be finally seeing you opening your eyes, your minds and especially your hearts, for therein lies the key to all that you are. Your Higher Hearts are expanding and as it does so does your awareness. Allow those beautiful hearts to open-wide for now is the time. It is time to remember YOU.

Great excitement, Dear Earth Angels, Great expectation.

Open your Hearts wide, let the LOVE THAT YOU ARE bring to you all that you are.

How delightful.



27th OCTOBER 10am to 5pm


ARCHANGEL MICHAEL wishes to assist us in raising our conscious awareness to assist all of humanity as we step into the New Reality of Planet Earth . . .
NOVEMBER will be a HUGE month for the Shift of Consciousness - many are called to hold hands with those yet to awaken who will need our love and support during this time - ARE YOU READY TO "STEP UP" - if you resonate with being a Lightworker, Starseed, Indigo or whatever label you have placed upon yourself - it is now time to JOIN AS ONE.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL will give us the tools to raise our consciousness to allow each individual to KNOW YOURSELF in ease and grace. There will be Activations and Alignments during this most exciting day.

Shared Lunch (Please bring a Plate)

Investment $88.00

                                                                                                 Leslie-Anne Menzies
Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185
Skype: angelstoinspire1111

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