Wednesday, September 11, 2013


 ********Please feel free to share this information - much is about to happen - (in a great way!!!)

WORKSHOP - ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST. Sunday  27TH OCT 2013 10.00am to 5.00pm

Investment $88.00   (shared lunch)

A message from Archangel Michael

The purpose of this workshop is to awaken the Hearts and Minds of those who are stepping up to the realisation that this is no longer the Planet they once inhabited.

So many changes have already taken place BUT so many more are just about to “explode” into the awareness and reality of all of Earth’s Citizens.

Areas I wish to cover are:

Mother Earth (Gaia) - all the physical changes taking place and their impact          on humanity

Love & Light             - How to maximise the amount of Love/Light quotient
        for all beings - so much more Light now available

Physical changes     - Including DNA, Brain rewiring etc.
to Humanity

Archangel &
Ascended Masters   - What they are contributing at this point in time
                                - The Rays of Light now available

Information will be up-to-the-moment as from this day 11/9/13 so much will have changed.

These are indeed exciting times Dear Ones

.Leslie-Anne Menzies

 ********Please feel free to share this information - much is about to happen - (in a great way!!!)

WORKSHOP - ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST. Sunday  27TH OCT 2013 10.00am to 5.00pm

Investment $88.00   (shared lunch)

A message from Archangel Michael

The purpose of this workshop is to awaken the Hearts and Minds of those who are stepping up to the realisation that this is no longer the Planet they once inhabited.

So many changes have already taken place BUT so many more are just about to “explode” into the awareness and reality of all of Earth’s Citizens.

Areas I wish to cover are:

Mother Earth (Gaia) - all the physical changes taking place and their impact          on humanity

Love & Light             - How to maximise the amount of Love/Light quotient
        for all beings - so much more Light now available

Physical changes     - Including DNA, Brain rewiring etc.
to Humanity

Archangel &
Ascended Masters   - What they are contributing at this point in time
                                - The Rays of Light now available

Information will be up-to-the-moment as from this day 11/9/13 so much will have changed.

These are indeed exciting times Dear Ones

.Leslie-Anne Menzies

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