Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday 15th Oct. 2012 AA Michael

MONDAY MEDITATION      15th Oct 2012     AA Michael             Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Here I AM once more reminding you of the amazing beings that you are. Your progression through this year of great change and challenge has happened at the speed of knots.

You are remembering to breath and claim your Mastery more often, but not always. You will begin to claim more of the new you as you progress through these next exhilarating few weeks. When you look back on this past year, can you see the many changes you have made? More importantly can you “feel” the changes? Much has been occuring in your Emotional/Mental bodies and we have made reference to this on previous occasions. You are beginning to now have a different association with emotion. Many of you are experiencing the taking on of more responsibility, especially for how you feel or react to what is happening in the noisy, confusion of the 3rd Dimenion. 

Can you now sense when you look at what is happening “out there” that you now make a choice as to whether you wish to “play” in the noise or not. For many of you the choise is “NO.” You are still very much a part of this world but can remain detached from the turmoil that so many are still focusing on.

You are activiting more discernment and observation. You are now chosing how you wish to play the game. Because you are so much more conscious, you make more informed choices and choose outcomes that are more pleasant for your emotional well-being. For many of you the heart/chakra - higher heart is opening more and more with the Love that is being radiated from Creation.This is very exciting for those of us who are overseeing the ending of the old ways.

We say;  “Well Done Dear Ones.”

There are multiple choices you can make and as you learn what feels good or better for your energy, more will be making the choice to leave behind the noise and confusion of the 3rd Dimensional world and step more consciously into the 5th Dimension.

Many souls still playing the “old game” are watching you - they see your life proressing in a positive manner, albeit not necessarily perfect but much calmer, quieter and more peaceful. They sense the calmness in your voice, how you move through your day and it is becoming very attractive.

By placing your attention on the 5th Dimension and using the high Vibrational Words that appear in your vocabulary more is finding its way into your space.

You the Lightworker’s and Wayshower’s are being asked again to take another leap forward. You are needed so much during these closing days of 2012. Much is still shifting and changing in these next few weeks and you have been aligning your energy to lift the vibration of the Planet.

This is the time you have waited for and yes there have been many delays this year, however the time has come to move yourself forward as this spectacular year of 2012 nears completion.

So much has been achieved, so much more will happen in these next few weeks.  2012 has been a major transition year and as we move into 2013 and onwards much more transition will occur.

Your Light is needed more than ever - do you have the staminar and committment to take this transition to it’s grandest heights?

I have said many times you will look back over these times and see the momentous steps that have been taken and you will know you were there when the call went out and you answered.

Here I AM you said.

It is with great love and appreciation I walk beside you at this time.

I AM Archangel Michael 

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